Sweet Potato, Kale Mini Quiches with a Cream Cheese, Nutmeg Pate Brisee Dough

Makes 32 to 36 Mini Quiches
For the Dough You'll Need: 8 oz unsalted butter (2 sticks of butter, cold), 4 oz cream cheese (cold), good pinch kosher salt, good pinch freshly grated nutmeg, 2 cups all-purpose flour, 1/3 cup very cold water (directly out of the fridge is good), plus extra flour (for work surface, hands and rolling pin)
For the Filling You'll Need: 2 Tbsp olive oil, 1 Tbsp unsalted butter, 1 small sweet potato (peeled and diced), 1 medium organic carrot (diced), 1 small shallot (diced), 1/2 small green squash (diced), 1/2 cup mushrooms (chopped), 2 cloves garlic (diced), 1 large kale leaf (center stem removed, leaf sliced into a chiffonade), 1 Tbsp Italian parsley (chopped), 2 large organic eggs, 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream, pinch kosher salt, pinch black pepper, pinch nutmeg (freshly grated), 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese, 2 Tbsp shredded Parmesan cheese

How to Prepare: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Cut the butter and cream cheese into little cubes (about
1/4" pieces). In a food processor, combine the butter, cream cheese, salt, nutmeg and flour. Mix on low until you have coarse crumbs. Slowly drizzle in the cold water while the processor is running on low. The mixture will gather together into a ball shape. Carefully remove the mixture from the processor (avoiding the blade). Place the dough onto a cool, floured work surface. Using your hands (flour hands if sticking), slightly knead the dough into a rectangular log shape. Note, you do not want to overwork the dough. You want it to stay as cool as possible and you do not want to overwork the gluten development. Place the dough into plastic wrap and allow to cool in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.
In a large saute pan, heat the olive oil and 1 Tbsp butter. Add the sweet potato, carrot, shallot and squash. Saute over medium heat (stirring occasionally) a few minutes. Add the mushrooms, garlic, kale and parsley and saute for an additional few minutes (stirring occasionally). In a large separate bowl, whisk the eggs,
cream, salt, pepper and nutmeg. Gently stir in the cheeses. Pour the saute mixture into the egg, cheese and cream mixture and stir to combine everything. Set aside. Note, you do not want the egg mixture sitting out too long, so if you are not going to finish the entire quiche process at this point, then cover the egg mixture and place in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it.
Remove dough mixture from refrigerator and let sit at room temperature for 10 minutes. Using a well floured, cool work surface (granite counters are great for this), roll out the dough to about 1/8" thickness. I find it easier to cut the dough in half and work with half of it at a time. Using a 3" biscuit cutter, cut out little 3" rounds. Gently place
the dough rounds into the muffin tins to form the mini crusts. Spoon a heaping Tbsp amount of filling into each mini crust. Place muffin tin on top of a parchment lined baking sheet (this will allow the quiches to cook more evenly). Place into oven for 14-20 minutes. Filling will be set and crust will be very lightly browned. Set the timer for 14 minutes and check them. If needed, bake longer in 2 minute increments. All ovens vary. Remove from oven and allow to sit for about 5 minutes. Using a sharp pairing knife, very carefully, cut around the outer edge of each mini quiche. Carefully slide the knife under the edge of one side, so the quiche pops out. Transfer all quiches to a cooling rack. Allow to cool for an additional 10-15 minutes. Enjoy.

Note, if you want to do a meat version, go for it! We used left over dough and diced up some left over slow braised pork, spinach, onions and tomatoes for a filling too.

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