It's fun to re-visit places you used to go as a child, such as the San Diego Zoo (for me). As an adult I notice beautiful scenery, plants, views, great shows, food, etc. As a child I remember large cotton candy, the cool animal sippy cups, the tiger shaped backpack from the souvenir shop, the petting zoo (where goats would chew my pigtails) etc.. On a recent venture to the SD Zoo, I walked through the entrance and headed straight toward the sky baskets, so I could view the entire park from above. This provided great views of San Diego and an overall roadmap of where I wanted to go throughout the park. I saw amazing animals, beautiful landscaping, giraffes eating, koalas sleeping! The zoo offers great picnic areas where one can bring his/her own gourmet lunch. Restaurants serve beer and wine with some nice salads, pastas and burgers too. Visit a local zoo near you!
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